Sorry, it took me a long time to add a post to my blog, since the Multi Media section of the public library where I used to access the Internet was temporarily closed and has been opened just recently.
I am, indeed, very thankful to my professor, Fernando B. Sena for helping me develop my skill in painting, which is a totally new field to me.
Thanks God, at the moment I am now on business, selling my paintings. I am even bold enough to accept portrait painting from clients using photos.
I have just started this endeavor and I am just earning too little, but the condition has never diminished my desire to pursue this newly found skill in art.
Last night, I am instructed in a dream to continue painting; when I woke up I was even more determine than ever to hone my painting skill; I believe that there is really something great awaiting for me.
Soon, I will be posting my paintings that are for sell in my blog: