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Peace of mind


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Adventure on the streets continues

 Walking under the sweltering heat of noon, I felt the biting pain of summer, which one time registered at 35.8 degrees Celsius. Along the way, I met and talked to many wonderful people already. From them, I heard comments that boosted my will to continue what I am working on.

By coincidence, my wanderings have brought me to attend and be accepted in an Art workshop for free - I am just too lucky -- the professor is super kind. I had my first lesson in "sketching"; I found it not easy. When I arrived home; I employed the technique I learned to copy human faces. To my astonishment, almost all of my sketches have bear resemblance to the original. For me, this is fantastic!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Have I just experienced prejudice?

I have been traversing the campus of U.P. (University of the Philippines) several times and have been talking to some of their faculties, students, and security guards about my projects and my predicament -- they are all very helpful and kind. My experience at the Department of Mass Communication, however, is the exception. I was there yesterday; my third time, in fact. With much waiting and interrogation, finally, I convinced the security guard of my sanity. I know my position well; with a placard sticking at my back and thickening mustache on my face, I could easily put doubts on people's mind that could ruin my personality.

The permission granted on me led me to their Radio Station, DZUP. As I reached the building and was conversing with the security guard, I took off the placard at my back and carried it by hand; then I proceeded to the second floor where the media room was located. I turned the doorknob, it was locked. I asked a passers-by who looked like an employee, he told me it was break time. There was like a small lobby somewhere at the middle of the building, and three students were there talking to each other. I got their attention, and asked if I could sit down on the bench beside the two of them.

Looking directly at one of them, I proceeded to open a conversion. Then I found myself enthusiastically sharing my experiences on extreme peace of mind and the benefits I derived from them and, of course, my projects. They are such good listeners; I love them. Because of the time, they wished me good luck on my endeavors, and they left.

For the second time, I went again to the media room. By turning the knob several times, this time, it yielded. Pushing it forward wider, I stepped in; and there, I was faced with students, young ladies, staring in amazement towards me. At the farthest side, part of the area was partitioned into small cubicles open in one side, and I saw ladies in them. Almost at the center of the room was a huge table; sitting in front was a young lady too. In this setting, I was perplexed on who I will approach, since nobody was saying a thing. I noticed there was an older woman, situated in the corner, in one of the cubicles; her eyes were also at me; it could be that she was the superior, but the fact that no words came out from her mouth, I was hesitant to come and talk to her. Because I don't know who I will talk to, I just talked to the lady nearest to me, and that was the lady in front of the huge table. I explained to her that I need help to have my own radio program because I don' t have money to buy time in a commercial radio station. Moreover, I added that I was referred by the school's Administrative Department, hoping something could be done to help me. When that older woman rose from her seat to listen more clearly what I was saying, I was already telling my experiences of this extreme peace of mind and my book manuscript. The young lady whom I was talking with told me that I should better speak to the professor but, unfortunately, the said professor was not there; so I said, I will wait.

Looking around, I spotted a chair by the wall; and that was where I seated myself. At that time the older lady went out the room, clearly disgusted with my presence. Few minutes, the security guard came in and asked me to go to another building (broadcasting building). On the way down, I explained that I was there already.

Treading the path out of the building, I saw in the distance the first security guard who interrogated me. I asked him why I was directed to the broadcast building. The words I heard were not answers but commands to go over to the distant buildings ahead; according to him, " to where your friends are (referring to the idiots roaming around the place)."

With an air of hard acceptance I said, Oh, I know already what it's all about! On the distance, by the road, I removed the placard at my back to get a bottle of water I slipped in one of my bag's pocket. I was about to drink when I noticed two youngsters were in front of me. I looked at their faces, I saw in their eyes the warmness of approval - so comforting. Their presence had given me added courage to believe on what I was doing. I was so happy relating to them what had happened. In return they showed a thumb up sign of utmost approval for my cause and left. They utter very few words - but their presence means a lot. I was curious with them.  They said they are Adrian and Rocky.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My road trek: a desperate effort, but a success

Walking on the streets with a placard sticking at the back might be a no-no option to most; when I did it however, unexpectedly, I managed to attract an audience to listen to my experiences: Some are professionals and others are just ordinary people. All my heart goes to those people I met on the way who gave me support in whatever way they can. People like them are few -- that's why, meeting them is a chance in a life time: I am very thankful and proud of you. These days, I am becoming more appreciable, that even with little things extended to me -- it means a lot already.

The way I looked must be very weird that on the way even children would ask me what I was doing. The common folks, like a jeepney driver for instance, was even so curious of me that while his vehicle was stationed by the roadside waiting for passengers he waved his hand and shouted questions at me.

I started my wandering on the streets and parks Feb. 22, 2010, that's more than a week ago. If I have not done this, I would never have found out that I could speak after all, which is, of course, a very surprising phenomenon for me. Surely, I know how I speak, because I had been speaking all my life; this time, though, I find myself strangely different - an almost completely different person. Of course, I am very happy with the positive changes I am enjoying now. These changes had triggered my desire even more to reach out more people to hear my stories of self-discovery; with the hope that what I learned and discovered can be passed on to others too.

I had already started the campaign for my cause -- a step so vital. I know, I am just barely scratching the surface; but, I am enthusiastic enough to pursue my cause no matter what - I am quite optimistic indeed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Invitation to scientists and researchers: experiment on Muscle Pain and Relaxation

True to my words in the past, I am now sending invitation to different institutions around the globe asking them to conduct an experiment with me.

Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I am Mr. Anselmo Malugao, and I live here in the Philippines. My life was once full of failures causing sadness, worries, hatred, and loneliness to dominate my life. I didn't like how I felt, so I was like crazy looking for a way out through different methods. As I was already delving into self-experiments, I happened to stumble into a very simple Technique to acquire Total Peace of Mind repeatedly - not just by chance or random occurrence. The benefits I am experiencing now is beyond my expectation of what peace of mind can do to the body. 
Before, I had this kind of nervousness that had always prevented me from doing what I ought to do. A nervousness so acute that a mere filling up of a form will cause my hands to tremble and send my heart to beat rapidly. Now that I am practicing a very simple technique I called "TMSHE" (Therapeutic Mind Stimulation of the Human Energy), I don't feel that kind of nervousness anymore. Now, I can write my name without that feeling of uneasiness and speak to people with confidence - things that I shied at before. 
This Peace of Mind I am talking about is a condition of the mind that I can't find anywhere I will go. It seems absurd, but that's the truth. I am not the only person who has felt this one; but since I am one of those people, though few, who have experienced extreme peace of mind, I want also to tell my stories to the world.
It is not too long ago that I was overwhelmed with emotion on the positive effects my technique has on my body; and this convinced me that I have a very important message to share to the people and to the world at large.
Before, I am just a very ordinary person. However, after discovering this extreme peace of mind within me, daring projects came into my mind like writing a book, lectures, paintings, etc.
Right now, I am looking for a publisher locally and abroad. But since I am extremely poor that I can't even print a hard copy of my manuscript, it makes the submission of my manuscript impossible for the moment. One thing more, even if I can actually submit my manuscript to a publishing company, most likely, it will just end up being rejected - for the reason that I am nobody. Because I know that I am in a disadvantage position, desperately, I picked up a wooden board and scribbled this words, " I Found Peace - I Wrote a Book - I need a Publisher" -- slung it at my back and I went roaming around the streets. Luckily, as I opened my mouth to tell my stories, words just came flowing smoothly from my mouth. People were amazed with what I was saying and the manner I told them. It was understandable, because even me myself, I just can't fully understand how I was able to do it.
One thing very interesting with my condition is that I can't virtually feel muscle pain even with so much physical exertion. More or less a week ago, I drastically shifted from sedentary to actively walking for long hours on the streets and parks here in the Philippines - the result - no pain. You know, this is a pretty unnatural condition; normally, the body, especially the muscles, aren't behaving in this way. To prove that I am telling the truth I would like to demonstrate this one by conducting an experiment. I am very willing to undergo such a test to prove that I am telling the truth. I had proven it to myself while I was still working in a surplus warehouse. I trust that if I was able to do it before, I can also do it in an observed setting. 
So I am earnestly calling this institution to conduct an experiment with me on how relaxation sooths muscle pain. I am very glad if this institution will find my experiences interesting and truthful. I believe that everybody can benefit on the success of this experiment, for it means the well-being of a person.
For more information you can visit my blogs at

Sincerely yours,
Mr. Anselmo Malugao
