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Peace of mind


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Killer Tree

The date is Sept. 21, 2009. Today is morning, around 8:00 o’clock. I am at home cooking my food, good for the whole day. I use firewood, since I couldn’t afford yet for a more convenient one.

The first thing I do this morning is trimmed the branches of a young tree that overhangs on my neighbor’s wall, for they complained about it just yesterday. I am wondering why they acted that way, but I guess I know why:

“Years ago, there was once a huge tree inside their lot, the one that country folks believed to be inhabited with creepy creatures. The mother of this family got cancer. Medical operation was introduced to cure the disease, but it didn’t work. Obviously, desperate for a cure, they consulted a quack doctor, or herbalist to diagnose the disease. The herbalist suggested for them to cut down the tree inside their lot, which is the culprit, according to him. At first, they lied that there wasn’t such a tree in their yard. Surprisingly, the herbalist vehemently insisted its existence. Impressed with the incident they eventually cut the tree. I was there when the tree fell down. After the tree fell down, it doesn’t take too long, the mother died.

Well, even in reality, the mother will soon die, whether or not the tree is cut, but there would always be the notions that her death is caused by the cutting of the tree.”

(to be continued)        

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