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Peace of mind


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Difficulty can open doors

Yesterday, when I found out that the money from the province won't arrive in the expected time. I was moved to post in my facebook account a message asking help from anybody. Everything seemed to be out of control who else I can turned to. Then, it dawned on me to send a text to one of my brothers to borrow 500 pesos for the second time. Wow! To my joy he agreed. The money will be send today.
At the moment, I am already here inside the mall waiting. While waiting, I composed this blog that you are reading now.

Everything is not easy at all. What is left in my wallet is a lone 1.00 peso and 10 cents. I am one of the poorest individuals at the moment. Never mind, I don't care. As long as I can continue writing and posting it on the Internet. Lots of thrills.

I need 20 pesos to get the money that my brother will send. So I passed by one of my friends and asked. But now, there was still a problem, it was still about 11 am., and the money will be send around 3:00  pm and I am hungry already. By twelve, I was almost going to collapse. Well, I am pretty clever in situations like this. There was no choice, I have to ask for food. I approached a man tending a sidewalk store, and told him that I needed food. I was only fortunate that he is kind, he scooped some rice and put it inside a plastic bag and handed it to me. I was really so thankful to him and of course to God that He let the heart of this man symphatetic with my condition. Before leaving, I still asked for another favor, some sauce to go with my rice. Because I was so hungry, I ate the rice while walking. After I drank water, I was once again fine and strong as ever.

Everything that seemed to be no solution is actually a misconception, for how many times you and me have been into a dilemma so difficult, but as time goes buy it will be solved by itself. But, why is it that we seemed to be not learning at all that each time a problem will surface there is a corresponding remedy for it. Even me, every time I will be wallowing in situations that seemed to offer no way out, I will still  be troubled. When in fact I know, what it's all about. The answer is that we still have doubts in our hearts if we are acting this way.

However, now, I am trying to learn, little by little, which offers me more room for a peaceful mind and controlled emotion. And of course a happier life.

Not too long ago, some one asked me, if I am happy with my life? I told him yes, I am happy. Ah, it's because you have a computer and a place to stay. The one who was asking is my friend who I met when I was still wandering on the streets. A better condition, of course, can add to your happiness. In my case, when I met this friend, I already found at that time the calmness of my spirit even I was in a situation where most of us don't like. That is why when I told him that even without all the things I am enjoying now I will still be happy. He didn't believe me. But in my heart I know I will still be happy.

I would just say, by a stroke of luck, now I've got a computer. I believe it's a cosmic plan so I can tell my stories, experiences and ideas to the whole world. I've got a story to tell and this motivates me.

It's a great pleasure to me that I can write my ideas and share it on the net when I feel like doing it. Soon, I will be also writing a kind of little books to pour my views in life. There's so much things to do. The only thing that I am waiting is the support and the energy that will make things possible. I know that in the right time all will be established.

This is what I like, I am just waiting here and here I am, writing my ideas to share with you in a minute. The power of technology. How nice it is to write without much thinking like spontaneous, no so much editing; the words, concepts just flow smoothly to my mind -- the experience is really great. I want to be always like this. It's really wonderful. It's almost extra terrestrial; good for the spirit. Ok. I will be posting now what I have written for you. Have a nice day!

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